How to take Pre-Orientation Course

Haekyung Lee
Support Team Director
All new EPIK teachers are required to complete the mandatory 60 training hours within the first year of their stay. To help EPIK teachers meet the requirements, EPIK has been providing pre-online orientation which fulfills 15 training hours. A Guest English Teacher (GET) will receive an email pertaining ways to take the online course. It will be crucial for you to keep the email address you used during the application process since all on-line orientation information will be delivered through the email address. Here are some tips on further inquiries while using the system.
1.Please send your email at or call at 02-2211-3652(Ms. Kim) if you face any difficulties.
2. If you have difficulties connecting to the site, pre-orientation, please log into After you complete the test, send the answer sheet to Ms. Kim at
3. If you have questions about the following topics, please log in on the EPIK site ( and then click the pre-orientation banner.
1 To log in the Pre-orientation course
2 IP user(, please, read it.
3 This course is mandatory for Guest English Teachers.
4 To print out the certificate
5 To attend lesson study
4. You must print out the test result and submit it to your co-teacher. He or she needs to record the training hours in the system.