After November 2010 Orientation
EPIK Support Team
One hundred fifty-one teachers from 9 different Provincial Offices of Education and Metropolitan Offices of Education(POE/MOE) gathered to participate in the November 2010 orientation which was held at the National Institute for International Education, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. This orientation was prepared to assist native English teachers to rethink about their teaching practices and to help them deepen their understanding of Korean culture. Most of the teachers have stayed in Korea for about two to three months prior to the orientation. Therefore, they were able to discuss teaching issues on a more practical level reflecting on their own classrooms. Another positive feedback was that they enjoyed meeting other native English teachers. They became quite close to each other while taking the same classes, sharing classroom management techniques or preparing for the lesson presentation. They went back to their own schools after the five-night six-day orientation, feeling that they were doing their best to provide the most effective classroom environment and there are other friends like themselves who are coping with new culture. Most of the participants thanked EPIKĄ¯s hospitality in Seoul and went back with new ideas. EPIK is proud of being a contributor with native English teachers in working for the betterment of Korean English education.