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EPIK (English Program In Korea)|설문조사 참여
2012 EPIK Episode Collection
2012 EPIK Episode Collection
  Date: 2012-06-11 12:11     View: 3973  

2012 EPIK Episode Collection


EPIK is announcing the 2012 EPIK School Culture Episodes Collection and invites Guest English Teachers (GETs) and Korean Teachers (KTs) to participate in the contest.  This event is designed to help new GETs and KTs understand the cultural difference and school life in Korea.  Your personal experiences and tips will benefit many teachers and students.


Please choose one of the following topics and write an essay.

  1. Culture shocks at my school
  2. The most memorable experience at school
  3. The most difficult challenge I have faced in class or school
  4. Something that makes me feel uncomfortable in my school
  5. My strategies to overcome cultural challenges
  6. Other related school culture topics


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