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EPIK (English Program In Korea)|설문조사 참여
Student Volunteer's Reflection(February 2013 EPIK Orientation(Team 2) History & Cultural Field Trip)
Student Volunteer's Reflection(February 2013 EPIK Orientation(Team 2) History & Cultural Field Trip)
  Date: 2013-03-30 12:26     View: 4493  

Student Voluntter's Reflection

 February 2013 EPIK Orientation(Team 2) History & Cultural Field Trip

On February 24, 2013, 16 student volunteers from ChungShim International Academy guided 400 EPIK teachers at Korean Folk Village in Youngin.  The EPIK teachers were trainees of the February 2013 EPIK Orientation(Team2).  The History and Cultural Field was organized to give the EPIK teachers an opportunity to learn about Korean traditional agricultural society.  The Korean Folik Village is a home to various collections of Korean traditional houses, cultural artifacts. After the completion of the day's field trip, the student volunteers reflected on their one-day tour guide experiences.  Team 2 participants, please take a time to read their essays in memeory of your personal experiences.  EPIK hopes you, readers, will invest a day or two to earn a life-long memory of Korean hisorty or culture. Thank you.



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